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Event Details


Both Hong Kong and Macau are China's special administrative regions with divergent building characteristics but they share a common goal of striving for a low-carbon future in the building construction and real estate sector.

To foster cross-regional exchange of knowledge and best practices, the Architects Association of Macau (AAM) and The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) are delighted to hold this joint webinar in which we will share with the audience the key characteristics of the two regions' green building markets including government requirements, voluntary rating tools and other driving forces, the current state of green building โ€“ popularity and general performance, the latest green building technology and techniques, as well as the challenges faced by the industry.

For the Hong Kong side, the speaker will begin by introducing the general state of the construction industry including the volume and types of works and common building characteristics. Then the gross floor area (GFA) concession incentive and mandatory green building requirements in land auctions will be introduced. As for voluntary rating tools, the speaker will delve into the family of rating tools derived by Hong Kong, namely BEAM Plus, and touch on other driving factors like green finance and ESG benchmarking. Some interesting statistics about green buildings in Hong Kong will be presented. The speaker will then describe a basket of latest green technologies such as modular integrated construction (MiC) and building information modelling (BIM), and finish with an overview of challenges faced by the industry including housing shortage, ageing of workers and extreme weathers brought by climate change.

As for Macau, the speaker will introduce the current situation, strategies and guidelines for sustainable development in Macau, as well as an introduction to the green labels and related assessment projects adopted. The speaker also invited Professor Zheng Jianyi, director of the Architecture Course at the School of Humanities and Arts at Macau University of Science and Technology, to share a case - Energy consumption analysis and sustainable development of high-density campus buildings of M.U.S.T..The contents includes the basic characteristics, energy consumption status and green building renovation of M.U.S.T campus buildings, and attempts to use energy consumption indicators per class hour to compare the energy consumption status of different buildings, analyze its causes and provide sustainable improvement suggestions.

Date: 12th December 2024 (Thursday) 18:30-20:30

Medium: Zoom Webinar

Speaker: Dr.Lau Wing Tat, Eddy, Prof. Zhang Jianyi and Ar. Wu Kim Kam

Language: Cantonese (supplemented by English/Chinese Presentation Materials)

CPD hour: 1.5 hours (*Subject to CAEU's approval)


(CPD Certificate included)

(When registering for the event, please keep to the proper name format recognized by your professional entity, fill in the application form as attached ):

AAM Members - Free of charge including CPD Certificate

Non Members (Not require CPD Certificate) - Free of charge

Non Members (Require CPD Certificate) - MOP60/certificate (as adminstration cost)

(first come first served basis)

Please submit payment before 2 December 2024 (Monday) by 17:00 p.m. In the event that this is not adhered to, AAM has the authority to terminate your registration. Details regarding payment will be shared at the time of registration.


  1. A certificate of completion will be issued for participants who must log in within 15 minutes and have an attendance rate of 80%. CPD certificate will take up to 2 months to process.
  2. The Zoom Webinar link will be sent to your registered email 1-day prior to the event.
  3. MOP:HKD:RMB = 1:1 (For HKD/RMB payment method, please contact
  4. Copyright Disclaimer: All materials presented are the property of their respective authors. No part of these works may be reproduced in whole or in part in any manner without the prior consent of the author.

Dec 12, 2024

18:30 - 20:30 GMT+8

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  • Wing Tat, Eddy Lau (Department Head at Green Labelling at Hong Kong Green Building Council)

    Wing Tat, Eddy Lau

    Department Head at Green Labelling at Hong Kong Green Building Council

    Read Bio
  • Kim Kam, Donna Wu (Ar./VP of AAM Board of Directors)

    Kim Kam, Donna Wu

    Ar./VP of AAM Board of Directors

    Read Bio
  • Jianyi Zheng (Prof./Ar.)

    Jianyi Zheng


    Read Bio


AAM Member

Free of charge including CPD certificate

Member Price Complimentary
Non Member (Not Require CPD)

Free of charge

Non member (Require CPD Certificate)

MOP60 /certificate as administration cost
