The Law and Architectural Professional Practice course jointly organized by The Architects Association of Macau, BN Lawyers and and University of Saint Joseph will be held from July 1 to July 22, 2021. This course aims to provide legal knowledge to the Architectural Professional Practice, covering areas like setting up and running business, management of contracts and public contracts, liability and risk in construction projects.
Preliminary Course content:
Session 1 – Setting up shop and managing your Business
Laws: Civil Code,Commercial Code, Commercial Business Registration Code, Macau Labour Law, Industrial Property Legal Regime, Copyright Law, Professional Tax Law, Complimentary Revenue Tax Law.
General Description: In this session attendants will be introduced to practical ways of setting up their practices, how they will be subject to taxation, what are the rights and duties of employers and employees and how to protect their intellectual property and copyright.
Session 2 – Contracts
The Architect's Role as Superintendent of a Contract
Laws: Civil Code and Commercial Code
General Description: in this session attendants will be introduced to practical ways of discharging their obligations as a superintendent to a design/construction contract
Session 3 - Public contracts
Laws: Public Construction Legal Act (Decree Law no. 74/99/M), the Expenses with Services and Works Legal Act (Decree Law no. 122/84/M), and the Expenses with Services and Works Procedure Legal Act (Decree Law no 63/85/M).
General Description: in this session attendants will be introduced to practical ways to submit their proposals, execute public works agreements and deal with Termination for Convenience.
Session 4 - Liability and Risk in Construction Projects
Laws: Civil Code,Commercial Code, Public Construction Legal Act (Decree Law no. 74/99/M), the Expenses with Services and Works Legal Act (Decree Law no. 122/84/M), and the Expenses with Services and Works Procedure Legal Act (Decree Law no 63/85/M).
AAM 2021 CPD 6 - Law and Architectural Professional Practice:
Session 1 - 01 July 2021 (Thu) 18:30 - 20:45
Session 2 - 08 July 2021 (Thu) 18:30 - 20:45
Session 3 - 15 July 2021 (Thu) 18:30 - 20:45
Session 4 - 22 July 2021 (Thu) 18:30 - 20:45
CPD hour: 9.0 hours (*Complementary training courses with multidisciplinary content. CPD hours subject to CAEU's approval)
Language: English (occasionally with explanation in Portuguese)
Venue: USJ campus in Ilha Verde
Delivery of Mode: Face-to face Lecture
Fee: MOP 1,500.00 *CPD Certificate included
Quota: Limited to 30 students, on a first come, first-served basis. (*AAM Members are a priority)
*This Course has apply for the Continuous Improvement and Development Program of DSEJ, but subject to final approval.
Registration Arrangement:
由澳門建築師協會、盧偉樂律師事務所及聖若瑟大學合辦「建築專業實踐 – 法律」課程將於2021年7月1日至7月22日舉行。是次課程主要為建築專業業務的實踐提供法律知識,涵蓋各方面的業務如: 開設及運營,管理私人合同和公共合同,普及建築項目中的責任和風險等法律知識。
第一部分 –店鋪的開設和管理
法規:《民法典》,《商法典》, 《商業登記法典》, 《勞動關係法》, 《工業產權法律制度》, 核准著作權及有關權利之制度, 《職業稅章程》, 《所得補充稅規章》
第二部分 – 合同
第三部分 – 公共合同
法規: 核准公共工程承攬合同之法律制度(第74/99/M號法令), 有關工程、取得財貨及勞務之開支制度(第122/84/M號法令), 及規定購置物品及取得服務之程序(第63/85/M號法令).
第四部分 – 建築項目的責任與風險
法規:《民法典》,《商法典》, 核准公共工程承攬合同之法律制度(第74/99/M號法令), 有關工程、取得財貨及勞務之開支制度(第122/84/M號法令), 及規定購置物品及取得服務之程序(第63/85/M號法令).
澳門建築師協會 2021 持續進修課程 6 - 建築專業實踐 – 法律:
第一部份 - 2021年7月1日 (星期四) 18:30 - 20:45
第二部份 - 2021年7月8日 (星期四) 18:30 - 20:45
第三部份 - 2021年7月15日 (星期四) 18:30 - 20:45
第四部份 - 2021年7月22日 (星期四) 18:30 - 20:45
CPD小時:9小時 (*多範疇內容的補充進修,以CAEU最終批核的時數為準)
語言:英語 (將輔以葡萄牙語作適當解說)
學費:MOP 1,500.00 *包含CPD證書
名額:限於30個學額,先報先得。(*AAM會員為優先考慮 )
Jul 1 - 23, 2021 GMT+8
Add to CalendarUniversity of Saint Joseph (Macao)
14-17 Estrada Marginal da Ilha Verde, Macao
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1. CPD Certificate included | 包含CPD證書
2. CPD hours is subject to CAEU approval. | 以CAEU最終批核的時數為準。
1. CPD Certificate included | 包含CPD證書
2. CPD hours is subject to CAEU approval. | 以CAEU最終批核的時數為準。